Diversity is

The Diversity is project by Deft Lunch is an effort to recognize, celebrate, and promote the limitless value of diversity in the world.
Each letterform in the Diversity is wordmark has been developed by type designers from all over the globe and various backgrounds — ethnicities, races, genders, and sexual orientations, to name a few. Ultimately, one goal of this project is to highlight the work of gifted type designers while also showing the harmony of the varied typefaces working together — for us, this is clearly a visual metaphor for the beauty of diversity.
The interconnectedness of the world is represented by the Dymaxion Map inspired background graphic. If we understand how united we are as humans, we are better equipped to address challenges together aboard Spaceship Earth. Our selection of tones and colors show our commitment to representing all forms of identity.
As graphic designers, experienced in communicating content to a wide array of audiences, we can openly share our Diversity is message to our communities via posters, stickers, t-shirts, digital media, etc. We want to be active participants in the discourse on diversity, inclusivity, equity, and belonging. We hope you join us.